Synonyms for consider (8 letters)

Word which start from letter “c” – consider (8 letters).

Synonyms (Verb):
think about seriously
assign a quality
debate a motion
look at closely
include in an estimate or plan
think of doing
More synonyms:

You are currently viewing the word “consider”. Here you will find synonyms for the word “consider”. Regarding the word “consider”, such words and collocations as “bethink”, “deal with”, “deem”, “deliberate”, “impute” are synonymous with the word “consider”. These words belong to one part of speech, have a similar lexical meaning, but differ in sound and spelling. The synonyms for the word “consider” (“observe”, “on”, “reflect”, “regard”, “take into account”) can be used in various texts to avoid monotony and tautology in writing. Perhaps it will be more logical to express your thought by replacing the word “consider” with words and collocations: “think of”, “bethink”, “deal with”, “deem”, “deliberate” in a particular context. Each of synonyms for the word “consider” has its own meaning.In order not to make trivial mistakes when using synonyms for the word “consider”, such as “impute”, “observe”, “on”, “reflect”, “regard”, you need to refer to the interpretation of these words and choose the most appropriate for the situation. That is, either select the word “bethink” or the collocation “deal with”, or other of the available.

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