Synonyms for ✓ (1 character)

Word which start from not an alphabetic character – (1 character).


You are currently viewing the word “✓”. Here you will find synonyms for the word “✓”. Regarding the word “✓”, such word as “check” is synonymous with the word “✓”. These words belong to one part of speech, have a similar lexical meaning, but differ in sound and spelling. The synonyms for the word “✓” (“check”) can be used in various texts to avoid monotony and tautology in writing. Perhaps it will be more logical to express your thought by replacing the word “✓” with the word: “check” in a particular context. Each of synonyms for the word “✓” has its own meaning.

  1. 80-20 rule
  2. -tastic
  3. -licious
  4. -riffic
  5. 3rdly
  6. -ory
  7. 2ndly
  8. 2XL
  9. -ple
  10. -boro
  11. -cracy
  12. -cy
  13. -treme
  14. -archy
  15. 20-80 rule
  16. -ise
  17. -enne
  18. -tacular
  19. -bloody-
  20. -ica
  21. -ity
  22. -icity
  23. -ify
  24. -ide
  25. 0D
  26. 5-omino
  27. -rix
  28. -glot
  29. 1stly
List of last found synonyms
  1. 2XL