Smileys for Twitter

The social network is primarily for communication with mobile devices. Twitter has rapidly gained popularity around the world. Twitter is enjoyed by everyone, from small to large. Each Twitter user has the ability to publish short entries, so-called tweets. Thereby he communicates with his subscribers. In these tweets and in the comments below them, you can post a graphic smiley, which you can select on this page. At your full disposal there are 2623 emoji for Twitter.

Unlike the social networks used by the user, it's quite difficult to express your emotions on Twitter. In Twitter, there is no so-called tooltip, with which you can select and insert a smiley from the standard set. Alternatively, you can use text emoticons to show your emotions, but for a brighter reproduction of them, I advise you to use the smileys codes that are on the site. Then instead of a text symbol you will get a graphic representation of the smiley. Add this page to your bookmarks so that at any time you can refer to it and copy the code of the desired smiley for its subsequent insertion into the tweet. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that when you insert the smiley code into the message, not a picture appears, but an empty box. Do not worry, this is normal. After placing a tweet or comment under it, the smiley will be displayed in the form you want.

Let's go directly to the smileys list on the current page. Among all the variety of emoticons for Twitter you will find here pictures of smileys depicting all sorts of professions, everyday emotions and even mythical creatures, such as fairies, vampires, mermaids. Pay attention to the skin tone. You will not have problems picking up one or another smiley with this or that type of skin, for example a smiley with the image of the singer has six shades.

Look at the list with emoji below and choose your favorite smiley for Twitter, move the cursor to the smiley (there will be a pop-up field with the value of emoji) and click to the smiley with the left mouse button to go to the smiley page and find out more information about it, as well as download the picture and copy the smiley code for insertion into tweet or comment below it.

Select the desired smiley from the list or go to the next page. Also you can view all the emoticons at once, but be careful, there are a lot of them.
Shown smileys: 96 All
grinning face
beaming face with smiling eyes
face with tears of joy
rolling on the floor laughing
grinning face with big eyes
grinning face with smiling eyes
grinning face with sweat
grinning squinting face
winking face
smiling face with smiling eyes
face savoring food
smiling face with sunglasses
smiling face with heart-eyes
face blowing a kiss
kissing face
kissing face with smiling eyes
kissing face with closed eyes
smiling face
slightly smiling face
hugging face
thinking face
face with raised eyebrow
neutral face
expressionless face
face without mouth
face with rolling eyes
smirking face
persevering face
sad but relieved face
face with open mouth
zipper-mouth face
hushed face
sleepy face
tired face
sleeping face
relieved face
face with tongue
winking face with tongue
squinting face with tongue
drooling face
unamused face
downcast face with sweat
pensive face
confused face
upside-down face
money-mouth face
astonished face
frowning face
slightly frowning face
confounded face
disappointed face
worried face
face with steam from nose
crying face
loudly crying face
frowning face with open mouth
anguished face
fearful face
weary face
exploding head
grimacing face
anxious face with sweat
face screaming in fear
flushed face
zany face
dizzy face
pouting face
angry face
face with symbols on mouth
face with medical mask
face with thermometer
face with head-bandage
nauseated face
face vomiting
sneezing face
smiling face with halo
cowboy hat face
clown face
lying face
shushing face
face with hand over mouth
face with monocle
nerd face
smiling face with horns
angry face with horns
skull and crossbones
alien monster
robot face
pile of poo
grinning cat face