Smileys for LG

Smiley page #14 categories of LG. Select the desired smiley from the list or go to the next page. Also you can view all the emoticons at once, but be careful, there are a lot of them.
Shown smileys: 96 All
trident emblem
name badge
Japanese symbol for beginner
heavy large circle
white heavy check mark
ballot box with check
heavy check mark
heavy multiplication x
cross mark
cross mark button
heavy plus sign
heavy minus sign
heavy division sign
curly loop
double curly loop
part alternation mark
eight-spoked asterisk
eight-pointed star
double exclamation mark
exclamation question mark
question mark
white question mark
white exclamation mark
exclamation mark
wavy dash
trade mark
keycap grid
keycap zero
keycap one
keycap two
keycap three
keycap four
keycap five
keycap six
keycap seven
keycap eight
keycap nine
keycap ten
hundred points
input latin uppercase
input latin lowercase
input numbers
input symbols
input latin letters
A button (blood type)
AB button (blood type)
B button (blood type)
CL button
COOL button
FREE button
ID button
circled M
NEW button
NG button
O button (blood type)
OK button
P button
SOS button
UP! button
VS button
Japanese "here" button
Japanese "service charge" button
Japanese "monthly amount" button
Japanese not for free button
Japanese "reserved" button
Japanese "bargain" button
Japanese "discount" button
Japanese free of charge button
Japanese "prohibited" button
Japanese "acceptable" button
Japanese "application" button
Japanese "passing grade" button
Japanese vacancy button
Japanese "congratulations" button
Japanese "secret" button
Japanese "open for business" button
Japanese vacancy not available button
black small square
white small square
white medium square
black medium square
white medium-small square
black medium-small square
black large square
white large square
large orange diamond
large blue diamond
small orange diamond
small blue diamond
red triangle pointed up
red triangle pointed down
diamond with a dot
radio button
black square button