Smileys for Mozilla Firefox

Firefox OS is a free open source operating system for smartphones and tablets. Mozilla is the second most popular browser in the world. For some time, the browser developers were creating the operating system for mobile devices, but eventually closed the project, placing all the files in open access, so that users can work with Firefox OS even now, creating applications and native programs. Firefox OS has its own set of emoticons that you see on this page. There are 816 emoji in total.

Firefox smileys are completely free, you can use them as ordinary images for posting on the net or chatting with friends. If you are an application developer or a simple user of Firefox OS, then you can use emoticon codes. Check out the emoji list for Firefox. Select one of the emoticons and hover over it (a pop-up field with the emoticon value will appear) and click it with the left mouse button to go to the emoticon page and find out more detailed information about it, and also download the picture and copy the smiley code to paste it on smartphone, tablet with Mozilla Firefox operating system.

Select the desired smiley from the list or go to the next page. Also you can view all the emoticons at once, but be careful, there are a lot of them.
Shown smileys: 96 All
grinning face
beaming face with smiling eyes
face with tears of joy
grinning face with big eyes
grinning face with smiling eyes
grinning face with sweat
grinning squinting face
winking face
smiling face with smiling eyes
face savoring food
smiling face with sunglasses
smiling face with heart-eyes
face blowing a kiss
kissing face
kissing face with smiling eyes
kissing face with closed eyes
smiling face
slightly smiling face
neutral face
expressionless face
face without mouth
smirking face
persevering face
sad but relieved face
face with open mouth
hushed face
sleepy face
tired face
sleeping face
relieved face
face with tongue
winking face with tongue
squinting face with tongue
unamused face
downcast face with sweat
pensive face
confused face
astonished face
slightly frowning face
confounded face
disappointed face
worried face
face with steam from nose
crying face
loudly crying face
frowning face with open mouth
anguished face
fearful face
weary face
grimacing face
anxious face with sweat
face screaming in fear
flushed face
dizzy face
pouting face
angry face
face with medical mask
smiling face with halo
smiling face with horns
angry face with horns
alien monster
pile of poo
grinning cat face
grinning cat face with smiling eyes
cat face with tears of joy
smiling cat face with heart-eyes
cat face with wry smile
kissing cat face
weary cat face
crying cat face
pouting cat face
see-no-evil monkey
hear-no-evil monkey
speak-no-evil monkey
old man
old woman
police officer
construction worker
person wearing turban
man with Chinese cap
blond-haired person
bride with veil
baby angel
Santa Claus